Tuesday, September 9, 2008

21st December 2012 -End of the World ?

Youtube Videos of "21st december 2012" | The World End videos | Longest day

Review about World Last day (21st December)
What the People Says about 21-12-2012 (December 21, 2012)?

Why do not you promise to give me all your possessions on 22nd Dec 2012. I think that would sort out whether you or anyone can believe that.
Yes, that's correct.
It's been booked in for that day and there's a no cancellation policy.We all gonna die.
21/12/2012 is not the end of the world.
Probably nothing new "Y2K" panic once again. But who knows, I could always wrong. The Mayan calendar ends on that date and the same is true of other former calendars, it is interesting, but I do not want to sit around worrying about him.
One User Give the reason for "why End of the world at 21st december 2012"

Don't Forget to write comment about World Last day : 21st December 2012
21/12/2009 is Monday ---- 1 day ahead
21/12/2010 is Tuesday ---- 1 day ahead
21/12/2011 is Wednesday ---- 1 day ahead
21/12/2012 is Friday ---- 2 days ahead (leap year)

Wikipedia says about 21st december longest day

Do not be afraid. I assure you that the world will not end on December 21, 2012, but the end of a day. Hanlin so-called "states until the end of the earth will be in the future, the past about 3700. It is now also a number of prophecies that are not yet complete. Remember that if a Initially an end.

Maya calculate the long forms the basis of the Mesoamerican calendar for a new era of recognition that forecast earlier by Jose Arguelles, a cataclysm which will take place on or about December 21, 2012 (Wikipedia). This will be the end of a Mayan calendar cycle to begin a new cycle.

Revelations in the book, it tells a thousand years of peace. As has already taken place at the time of Jesus? Not yet. It will still come. The forecasts that by the end of the world, as it was during 2012 and several times in the past, pseudo preachers. Have they spoken directly to God? If so, to testify.

But it is certain that some, and that is that our physical death. That is what we should be ready. It can be expected to come when at least. We do not know that the days and hours. It will come as a thief in the night. So we should be ready at any time. Search of God and when we see it, and follow the commands of the dead remain until our last breath.

Is this all we do. It is true faith in God that we can take with us when we pass from this world. If we refused to deny that would be too late father before us and send us to hell. It is very frightened - to stay in hell forever. If we knew her and loved her commands, it could be attributed to stay with him, we always state it is in heaven. It was the survival kit is that we should be.

In addition to soon (circa 2012 or before) and is the third world war, nuclear war. This disastrous war will start from the Philippines, particularly in the Spratly islands. The Spratly Islands are located on the South China Sea near the coast of most of the Philippines. The Holy Spirit has told us that the difficulty in the Philippines is like the light of a lamp. Once the lamp is lit, it will be bright and have. He said that the forecast that we are more than a decade earlier. Please read what's happening now in the Philippines. Spratly Islands being claimed in whole or in part from six countries including China is in the news and considered powder keg, is a point all of a sudden. It is very rich in oil and gas resources, the reserve is more than Kuwait. High oil prices could trigger the capture of these islands and the war began.

Four independent because the prophecies of course. Hanlin These so-called "prophecies to be this time (quatrains 6:24 and 2:62), 56 Chinese predict Tuey Bei Tu (in the last 55 prophecies have already been made), 9:18 revelation of the Holy Bible And the Holy Spirit has revealed that for us. If you are interested in the details on these prophecies, by email, please send me your request.

Pythagoras was asked about what we can expect at the time indicated on the Mayan calendar, and its effect on us. He said that there would be significant changes to the geology of our earth physics, and that this had much to do with the poles and moving the axis of the Earth change.

With a change in the inclination angle of a few Earth masses to dive under the ocean, this would obviously be costly to human life, but it will also affect the institutional structures we have put in place such as the financial sector, which is driven by savings.
It does not signal the end of the Earth, only the end of our planet today "geography".

It will be a time that seems cataclysmic, with a lot of geological disturbances. The southern hemisphere is not as severely affected than the north and we could see the re-emergence of land masses, such as Lemuria in the South, which will take several years before they are habitable again. Significantly, Pythagoras said that this time announcing a change in human consciousness, due to a change in our DNA. These things belong to a higher plane, created man to take a 5th-dimensional reality in which we will be more powerful and energetic telepathic. This new dimension is not another place, it is finer, more pure frequency vibration. Those who are more aligned to live in this positive sense, be guided to be in the right place and time "in a safe transit through the challenges in 2012.

Others will make their return to the spirit, where they will be welcomed and supported and given different opportunities. Pythagoras said that the given date, may be regarded as the "eye of the storm" and there will be an increase of spiritual and geological affects estimated that led to this date.